Wednesday, July 14, 2010

the past few weeks...

Well I suppose you could say i've been busy trying to get units squared away. We got tasked last week to push and update to all machines to include the hospital and aid stations. S6 helped me last weekend to get the hospital done, they're really good at at helping out and taking care of their computers. Most S6 i've heard out here don't want to touch or use the machines. We should be able to finish up by the end of this week i'm hoping. I've been given two new Areas Of Responsibility at some remote sights. It's going to suck getting a flights out there. Hopefully I won't get stuck out there, luckily my coworker is going with me. The way things are going it might be 2-4 weeks before I can get out there. Then there was units coming and going... trying to get them set up. I go do site visits and that's when the units tell me somethings wrong, they don't call. I ask how long it's been broke and sometimes I get an answer like a week or couple days. Mmmmmmmmm.

I started doing EA Active More workouts game for the Wii about 3 weeks ago. Thats one heck of a game and kicks my ass. My goal weight it 125. The first week I weighed 153, second week 151, this week 149. If I continue strength training I know that weight won't matter to much because muscle weighs more than fat. I need to find a measuring tape they use for fitting. I never thought my weight would bother me so much until I started not being able to fit into my pants, then finally weighed myself and I was back to where I was in 07'. I told myself that I wouldn't let that happen again, I guess I was wrong. I lost it summer of 08' without really realizing it when I was working on Ft.Lewis doing life cycle. I was hauling our old computers, monitors (20 pound CRTs) and switching them out for new ones. None of the new computers where unpacked, so we had to do that too, we got about 80. Where I worked there were different shops in trailer type buildings and the whole area was gravel. So that meant no dolly, hand carry each one. It took about 2 months and it was a hot summer too. I try to speed walk where ever I go out here, even if it is a short distance. The only thing I drink is water and sometimes green tea. I don't eat any red meat right now... to many damn calories and takes longer to digest.

I'm trying to learn the programs I work with better, it's really hard though. I work with a Trainer who has been here for about a year. His job is to train the units on the programs, how to use them. My job as the system administrator is to set up the systems and make sure they keep working. However the units do not understand this. Since my trainer has been here for over a year and shadowed the previous SA he thinks he knows everything to include my job. Yes he knows a 80% more than I. However he argued with me the other day having to do with the update we need to push. The update only has to be put on machines that process medical records, not the few machines that run a supply program. He kept saying it needed to be put on the supply ones. No they don't the update has nothing to do with that program, I told him and he persisted to argue with me in front of a unit. Then the other day he started arguing with me about the fact I had changed a password on a machine in our office on a program we don't use very often. I told him that I did not but I did on my machine. He kept on... I just said fine, i'm sorry I don't remember. Not to mention it takes 10 seconds to reset the password. I have no idea what his f'ing problem is.

Bottom line I was right about something and he acts like I don't know what i'm talking about I think because I'm new. I'm trying dammit. He pretty much is trying to tell me how to do my job.

I suppose I'll just chant about it tonight.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The past few days... long..

I suppose it’s been quite a few days since I’ve last blogged… sorry. Thing were crazy busy from Sunday till today while Kristina was here from the states evaluating my site. I even worked on my day off, sunday. So far this week i've got 7 hours of overtime. I’m so glad she came, we had a fun but most important we go so much knocked out that were pending issues. I learned so 4 days that it felt like information overload for a bit. She even motivated me to walk to breakfast in the mornings, I timed it… 10 min walk. I’ve got a lot to take care of to get things prepped for the BIG upgrade hopefully in October. Units are coming and going in the next month and I have to figure out the status of their machines. More than likely I’ll have to rebuild their machines when they show up. I’m gonna have to make and keep up with a schedule, this should be interesting.

I’d have to say the best day this week was Monday. It was kinda like Christmas, I got both boxes my mom had sent out for me. The big box ended up ripping by the time it got to my mail section here and things were about to fall out, everything was pretty much in contact though. I got my battery charger for my camera, my favorite conditioner, more towels, etc… in the first box. The second box was full of food that I ordered and my mom picked up from the Gluten Free store in Tumwater, GF Joes. YUM!!! There was also very pretty stationary from my aunt and tons of different color pens… woot! The only crummy part on Monday that there was some mail one of the packages that was from Madigan Army Hospital marked official mail. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I thought.. I opened it up and my jaw dropped. A bill for almost $300 from when I went to on Ft.Lewis and got all my lovely shots done. I was under the impression that at least the freaking anthrax shot would have been covered since you can’t really get that at a civilian hospital. Oh well… I sent a check and submitted a claim to my insurance and hopefully they’ll cover some of it. Also got DDR 3 for the wii :) Haven’t had the time to play yet though :(

Tuesday I was so tired I don’t remember anything exciting happening except I reimaged a machine for about 4 hours… I was pissed. This unit got one machine and it happened to be one that’s the slowest and should have been turned in by now. Unfortunately they got the short end of the stick and were thankful they got a machine at all. It was quite a learning experience on how to properly back up data, then input it back in.

Yesterday we ran around like idiots trying to catch certain people and had just missed them or they just weren’t there. Besides that we were going around fixing problems that people had mentioned while Kristina was here. After a long day of doing all that and playing email tag Kristina and I went to get a manicure. They are just as good back home, and from the Philippines. The waitresses in Sarah’s restaurant are also from the Philippines.

Today Kristina left and I played catch up with odds and ends in the office. I was bummed she left. Not only did I walk to breakfast this morning, but I walked to lunch. My coworker wasn’t in the office and he had the key to the vehicle. I walked to lunch with a couple soldiers I work with, they’re really nice. If your thinking in the flirty way you’re wrong… one is from the S6 shop, his office is next to mine, and his friend… she works across the way where the combat stress doggie works. I spoke with my boss back home in the states the other day and he asked how things were going and if I had gotten hit on? I started laughing and said no because no one really had been. He said he was really surprised and that wasn’t right and for me to go hit on them! Of course he was joking and caught me off guard a bit and I couldn’t stop laughin! I think that was Monday or something I called him, then yesterday a worker at the PX asked me which LSA I lived in. I was stunned… because he’s really nice to everyone who comes in and I didn’t think anything of it. I told him I didn’t know the number of my LSA and then he asked what I did? I sorta fibbed and said that I work in the hospital (I actually work next to the hospital). I now think either my boss or I jinxed myself :P I will just have to scan the PX before I go in.
Sorry I haven’t taken any new pictures yet, I plan to soon. Take care.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

combo fri the 18th and sat 19th

On Friday I was pretty much tired and kinda cranky. Soooooooo therefore didn’t do much. One of the soldier IT guys put some new movies on my external hard drive for me :) After work I was going over to my old room that I had when I got here to clean it. I needed to clean it because one of trainer/teacher/system administrator combo super ladies was coming hopefully Saturday. So I turned the key and there was a girl with her laptop sitting on the bed, luckily with clothes on. I was so shocked that all I said was uhhhh…. I’m sorry. Then told her I had no idea they had given this room out because I still had the key. She said they had issued her the room about 2 days ago. Good thing I had cleared everything of mine out of there!! She was cool about it. However then I kind of freaked out in my head thinking… she’s suppose to come tomorrow, crap what am I going to do.. told the main office I already had a room for her. It was bout 5:30pm and around that time most soldiers are definitely gone for the day. However the SGT I had talked with originally about the room was still in his office thank goodness. I explained what happened and he was in just as much shock as I was. He said “I didn’t issue that room out”… mmmmmmmmm. Yea right, he’s the only one with keys! Anyhow he took me to look at another room that was a lot better than my old one. This one had double mattresses on the bed, tv, and a refrigerator! She got lucky, but deserves it! Did wii fit for about 20 mins then went to bed early.

Saturday super lady showed up :) in the AM. She had already been here before so already knew her way around. We went to lunch, drove around for a bit then did a little shopping. The store where I bought my shirt, shorts and sunglasses is where we went. The same guy was there. I picked out 2 shirts I wanted and asked if he had them in large. He had one in large and the other he had no more of, just the one on display… a small. I took it anyways. So when he went to ring me up I asked him how much and he said $50! I said no I was thinking more along the lines of $40, and he said $45. I finally said no I’m going with $40 because I just bought the floor display of this shirt and it’s the wrong size… he finally agreed =) go mee!! Then I bought CSI Las Vegas season’s 1-9 box set, that was it for me. When we got back to the office we decided to work tomorrow for a bit. After work we went and saw date night at the movie theater then she kicked my butt on the wii. Fun times.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sandstorm and a little disapointment

I woke up this morning late… walked outside for a moment and thought I was in a dream. It was flipping sprinkling!!!! That lasted for about 15 mins. Later this afternoon I got to experience my first sandstorm. It also included thunder and sprinkling!! Craziness… in the distance it looked like it was raining but it was sand. It was so windy that I thought that some branches might start coming off the trees!

I had a busy day today working with a couple units and learning more about our systems. Things were goin alright then I got a email from my boss here in Iraq requesting some information about a piece of hardware . It’s a piece of equipment that I know nothing about and they said before I left the states that we wouldn’t be using it. Apparently it’s still used for other purposes and that’s the info he needed. So I went to my point of contact within Army I.T. section (S6) that is in charge of our MC4 equipment. He knew what I was talking about so I forwarded him the email. While he was in the process of trying to get the information by sending an email he sent it to the person who maintains the system, some soldiers, and CC’d everyone who was in the original email that was sent to me. One of those people is my bosses boss… the big guy. I know that he meant no harm and he said he didn’t know that’s who he was CCing. Total honest mistake… however I got a email requesting I call our helpdesk person, who I work with a lot on solving system issues. I knew I was gonna get a talking to, but I thought my boss would have talked to me…. Not have someone else do it. Other words that means that someone’s pissed. The guy I talked to tried making it sound like not a big deal but said it should have stayed somewhat internal. The email said nothing to that fact anywhere on it. So when I got off the phone with him I called my boss back home at fort lewis and explained the situation. He said that because I’m new I didn’t know their procedures here overseas and that he didn’t see a problem with it. So what he said that I screwed what.. if they yell at me then they do. He also said hey you weren’t drunk, didn’t call a commander a moron, and you show up for work. Did I mention my boss back home rocks? At least he got me laughing.

Oh then to top it off… today at lunch I got tomato sauce down my shirt and pants. So I get to do some hand washing tonight!

I hope I sleep better tonight, I think I’m gonna take one of my natural sleep aids. I’ve been dreaming so intensely that I start tossing and turning and wake myself up. Hope you all have a nice day… take care.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Interesting day....

This morning my coworker and I were suppose to meet a unit at 1000 to help load some software on a few handhelds. However they weren’t there when we showed up. The funny thing was that they called 4 times yesterday morning when we were at another site, obviously not in the office. So while I was at lunch yesterday one of the soldiers from that unit came up to me and said that they had been trying to get a hold of us and that it was really important they get it done soon. If it was so important and critical I think they should have been there this morning. I suppose that’s the army… they get called away at a moment’s notice to perform other duties. I understand but it’s still a little irritating. We have an appointment tomorrow at 1000 :)

Because the unit wasn’t there we left and I asked my coworker if we could stop by the office supply show that I hadn’t been in to and there were other little shops around it. I went into the office store and there really wasn’t anything. They did have the ink I was looking for, but I had already ordered it online for $20….. Guess how much they wanted…$80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could buy a freaking printer for that price back home. It took everything I had not to start laughing. Anywhoo then I went into a store that looked like it had some actual nice clothes and it did. I bought a button up shirt, tank top, shorts, and sunglasses that have foam behind the lenses for sand. The kid who was running the shop at that time was quite the bargainer, funny, and nice. He even gave me and my coworker cokes :) yea I cheated today but it was one of the original ones in the glass bottle and it was a very nice gesture. Prices aren’t that bad… knowing me I’ll go back, because the PX doesn’t have crap for women’s clothing, they have underwear and shirts. After I left that shop I went into a store that sells 100% Turkish crystal. The sets are very beautiful, needless to say I found my mother’s Christmas gift. I did call her though and asked if she still liked crystal just to be sure ;0) The shop has absolutely gorgeous leather bound writing journals and photo albums. I bought a photo album, I couldn’t resist…. Not something you’d find at home. Once I get my charger for my camera I’ll take a picture.

Speaking of pictures… I got my ink in for the printer in the office and nice glossy premium photo paper. I was super duper excited that finally I get to print pictures! About 20 mins later that was shot the heck down. When the coworker who had left sold me his printer I knew that the feeder worked when it wanted to, other than that it made a loud grinding noise and not feed the paper. At the time I was alright with that because it still printed from the main paper bed. I got the photo paper in the printer… hit print and bam… GRIND GRIND, error paper jam. Needless to say I was pissed! So now Im going to buy a hp compact photo printer like I have at home that prints just 4x6 photos. They have a much newer model out than the one I’ve got back home and it’s only $75. I can still use the ink I bought to print my regular documents and I’m going to donate the photo paper to the hospital.

While walking around today various times I saw a big beetle, orange and white cat, and a yellow spider that looked like a tarantula! I haven’t seen any of this in the 17 days until today…. Weird. It’s a good thing the kitty ran off, because I know I can’t pet it. If I got close I know I would want to and it would remind me of my kitties back home.

After work I came back to my room and worked out on the wii for about 40mins! Apparently my balance is way the heck off… hehehehe. My BMI went from 27 to 26 and apparently I lost 2 pounds. I doubt the loosing 2 pounds is true because it just might be from not eating much yesterday with a upset tummy.

Well I’m going to now eat my dinner and watch a few episodes of Californication before bed. I just started watching Californication a few days ago and now I’m freaking hooked!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday…the 15th

This morning I got a lot of stuff knocked out the way and some people are happy. I’m very lucky to have SUCH a knowledgeable and patience person on our helpdesk. He’s great at explaining what caused the problem and how to fix it. He also showed me other useful things in the process. I’m not so nervous about my job as I was when I first got here. There is still so much more I have to learn and I think it will be that way till I leave. My father says that's life though, there is always something to learn ;)

While in the process of cleaning my room on Sunday, I noticed that because I had Ethernet cables coming through my window it wasn’t sealed. It looked like it from afar, but that would explain all the dust etc on the floor. So today I went over to supply and they gave me a HUGE roll of wide duct tape! I didn’t know they made wide duct tape… awesome. The supply person in my building is really nice, which makes it easy when I need simple things.

I think and I have become best friends. I’ve ordered about 7 things from them since I’ve been here! Today I ordered stuff for my wii!! List below (don’t make fun of me!!)
• Wii carrying case
• Wii fit risers
• Fit silicone cover
• Fit case (to keep the dust off it)
• Fit rechargeable battery back to replace it needing batteries.
• Calorie counter that hooks onto the remote
• Wrist/ankle weights
Oh and I almost forgot about 4 games on Sunday…. To include Dance Dance revolution 3!! They have a day room that no one goes to so I think once that game comes in I might see if some people wanna get together and give it a shot. I should probably practice a bit though before I do that.. ;) You may be wondering why the heck I went wii fit happy? The reason being is because I don’t feel comfortable going to the gym right now with the way I look. Once I loose about 15 pounds I might go. Not to mention the wii is a freaking blast especially when I’m playing with family back home!!!

Unfortunately my stomach is upset and kind of cramping a bit. I think because I haven’t been drinking anywhere the amount of water as I should be. I’m gonna down a few bottles of water and see if that helps tonight. It’s going to be a night of eating my salad and then laying in bed watching The Closer season 1.
That’s it for today.. take it easy.

post for yesterday Monday the 14th =)


Yesterday before I went to bed I wasn’t feeling good and too tired to write. So here’s all the ‘exciting’ stuff that happened yesterday….

My coworker hurt his back so I played it solo. Not to much happened. I organized some paperwork and tried to make a game plan for this week. I did get one of my packages from amazon, my electric duster!! It works a little to well, it’s really powerful. Another words I better clear off the desk or set weights on the papers before I start to use it. I had fun with it yesterday cleaning the office a bit.

I bought my mother her birthday gift, an antique Brass Candlestick Phone made by Western Electric and marked ‘PAT IN USA AUG 16 1904’. She has been searching for years for a candlestick phone and couldn’t find one around the area we live for the past few years. I remember last year I took her down to Centrallia and we spent the whole day on her birthday searching for one. I felt really bad we couldn’t find one. Soooooooooo I figured I’d surprise her by getting a really nice one. Most of the ones online were in crummy condition or they wanted wayyyy to much for them. I never realized how rare they’re getting now a days. I called the owner yesterday to make sure it was still there and it was. The company is called Ruby Lane out of Tennessee and the owner is really sweet! Apparently it should arrive to my mother’s house by the end of the week. :)

When I got off work I finally decided to get the tv from my coworker that he wasn’t using anymore and hooked up the wii. I bought wii fit to go along with the system. After about 30 mins of set up, I worked out for about 30 mins. In the beginning of wii fit it tells you your bmi and weight… what your weight should be etc. My average weight back home is about 135, my weight now is 154. That would explain why I can’t fit into any of my pants I shipped to myself. I have bout 4 pants that fit out of the 12 I have here. Soooo somehow I ended up gaining 20 pounds in two months. My BMI is 127 and wii fit said I’m over weight for my age and height (5’3). I suppose I needed that last night, because now I’m motivated to eat healthier and exercise. I’ve now gotten into the habit in the past week of getting my food to go at the chow hall, that way I’m not tempted by all the other food that sounds sooooooooooooo good. I’ve quit drinking soda, just juice, tea, and water.

Last note… it got up to 127 degrees. A soldier described it best when he said: I feel like I’m walking in an oven.